Prince Edward Island Day 42, 43
A tale of two Anne's... Prince Edward Island the 8th province for me to visit was definitely a treat. The red dirt roads (and even some pavement) was quite impressive. I do remember seeing this when I was younger, but I suppose I'm impressed for different reasons - the beautiful gardens everywhere and healthy crops in the farm land.
The confederation bridge was also quite impressive - apparently this year they will close it to traffic for the Terry Fox Run - as it is the 30th anniversary of the Marathon of Hope. I am sure Terry would've been impressed of the bridge - as was I too see and learn that it is 15km in length and considered the longest bridge over frozen waters. Not sure where other LONG bridges like that one would be found.
Hmmm... after my initial welcome to PEI, I decided to cycle leisurely to Summerside where I stayed for two nights before heading off to Charlottetown (via Cavendish and Green Gables). Summerside was a sleepy town with a beautiful boardwalk and had the play "Anne and Gilbert" playing - a musical about Anne in her later years and the continued courtship of Gilbert Blythe. The woman playing the role of Anne did a remarkable job and looked like a china doll and sang like an angel... Gilbert was dashing and overall I must say I enjoyed the performance. After the show I met Yvette and Butch - two cyclists that have been cycle touring for the past 40 years (a new inspiration for me and anyone who says that they are too old/not fit enough etc... anyone can do anything if they try and TRAIN). We chatted and then they invited me for a coffee at Tim Horton's. I told them later that I truly needed this encounter as I was feeling a bit lonely on the island.
The weather continued to be remarkable as I cycled to Charlottetown, taking the long scenic route via Cavendish (even cycled through Hamilton PEI). Many rolling hills on the route made the journey a bit more challenging that I thought it would be... but nothing too unbearable. A few highlights disappointments - lunch at Pizza Delight - a pizza buffet (mental note, don't over eat when you are still having to cycle 50km to get to your destination). Seeing an amusement park in Cavendish. Seeing the Cavendish potato company. Seeing the side of Green Gables (disappointment as well - they charge $10.70 per person to go inside - OMG it's a fictious character). Arriving in Charlottetown and staying at the beautiful University of Prince Edward Island.
After my first night in residence I chose to wake up and find Cora's Restaurant for a BIG breakfast - then I lucked out as the Young Company of the Charlottetown Festival were putting on a performance of Albegweit: The Soul of the Island. A musical history of PEI and the confederation of Canada essentially. An amazing musical which made me very proud once again for being Canadian. One of the songs was "Canada is...." or something like that and started with the lyrics... Canada is the Rocky Mountains, Canada is the Yukon Valley, Canada is Prince Edward Island... made me start wondering what other people/ you my friends feel that Canada is? Let me know I'd love to hear what you think.
After the free concert I bought a ticket to go and watch the Charlottetown Festival performance of Anne of Green Gables the Musical - the first musical mom and dad ever took me too as I was growing up. With loveable songs like "Icecream" and "Gee I'm glad there's no one else like me..." I was smiling the rest of the night.
Anyway, I had a great 5 days and nights on Prince Edward Island.
Distance traveled Day: 35km
Distance traveled Day 2: 94.68km
Distance traveled in Canada: 5517.14km
Distance to date this year: 8595.93km
To me, Canada is the warmth of wonderful people, beautiful encounters, the comfort of good friends and family, no place like home.