Just a very quick post as I am extremely tired and need to head to bed - as I plan on leaving early tomorrow to ensure that I make it to my next destination - Winnipeg, Manitoba (which will be my longest day ever)... but I won't jinx it by stating distances etc... Today was an emotional ride - it seems the closer I come to Ontario the reality keeps hitting home of what I've accomplished... and where I started.
Today being Canada Day - I kept thinking about how proud I am to live in such a beautiful country, with stark differences and varied peoples. The commonality is not only the human experience but I truly believe that we as a people are generous, kind and giving (huge generalization). Two days ago I was introduced to a friend of Kathy and Evanna (the ladies that I stayed with in Regina), a man named Skip and tonight I had dinner with Skip's sister and her husband (they are also putting me up for the night and giving me a big breakfast before I head out early tomorrow morning).
Anyway, by entering Manitoba - I can now say that the only province I've never visited is Newfoundland and Labrador (and the three Territories... but they aren't technically provinces).
HAPPY CANADA DAY from Brandon, Manitoba!
Distance travelled: 183.67km
Distance to date: 2208.85km
Great pic Nathan, and congrats on everything you've done so far. See you soon, take care!