Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 21 Just for FUN - Kenora to Fort Frances 204.84km

Heat and humidity down in Southern Ontario has made me appreciate the cooler weather of the North, although I didn't appreciate the wind. Side note: Suzanne I am staying hydrated.

Today I really noticed the smell of the wildflowers at the side of the road. I suppose one of the biggest differences to driving versus cycling (besides the obvious) is that while in a car you don't experience the sweet smells of flowers, crops, crisp morning air, grasses, the scent of the air after a rainfall... and the not as pretty smells of fertilizer on farmers fields, dead skunks/porcupine/beaver/deer/prairie dogs. I've learned to appreciate all of them - some more than others (of course).

Anyway, probably will be taking it a bit easier tomorrow after another long day in the saddle.

Distance today: 204.84km
Total to date: 3009.39km - Finally over the 3000km mark.


  1. Cool Pic!!
    Another wicked hot day ahead for us!
    Stay cool and how are those Northern Ontario mosquitos? :)

  2. Cool pic you get thiner as your bike :-)
    I'm really impress of how many kilometer sou do per day...amazing !!! when i remember the ones you done in NZ :-) Lol
    Anyhow i enjoy your blog Man
    Wish you a nice easier day

  3. great day... glad that all of you are still reading. hugs nathan:)
